Finding Sabbath

Observance of the Sabbath should not be a formality, but it should be habitual. There’s a difference. We shouldn’t work hard at advertising to “keep the sabbath” only to stress out and not really keep the sabbath. The whole purpose is reconnecting with our Creator who loves us. This means pure refreshment of body, mind, and soul. 


Dr. Qing Li fused the disciplines of medicine and biology of trees, discovering forest medicine, pioneering a whole new form of medical science. This Japanese immunologist studied the effects of trees on our bodies and minds. His results show that forest bathing reduces stress hormones, heart rate and blood pressure, while supporting metabolism, sleep and the parasympathetic nervous system which helps us rest and recover (1.)

Despite the groans of Creation seeking perfect balance and justice, Dr. Li’s discoveries clearly prove that God’s creation was meant for our mental, physical, and spiritual flourishing. The fruits of nature are necessary for us to thrive. So, go on a picnic in the park already and be still and know. 


Labor is forbidden on the Sabbath, but what is labor to each person? Labor to some is joy to others. The Lord created the Sabbath for rest, communion, and joy. Food is often involved with such things. Should you cook on the Sabbath? There are ways to prep food beforehand, like many people do for school and work, so the day of rest comes with a prepared feast. This is a great option for those who consider cooking to be work. After all, a sous chef can work much harder than a chef. 

I also know plenty of people who enjoy cooking on their day of rest for meal prep during the week. Even this act can be meditative, or a ritual act of gratitude unto the Lord. Enjoying the qualities of His organic inventions can be a form of praise. Unless it feels like work. 


The media is poisonous and malignant. Social media is downright toxic. I question why we would consume these for rest and replenishment. Also, scripture commands us to refrain from buying and selling on the Sabbath. We should explore the reasons and not just take the law for granted. 

A day of rest should be kept and treasured, not hollow or meaningless. We shouldn’t do harmful activities that deplete our bodies or grieve the Holy Spirit. For the most part, meaningful fellowship cannot really be achieved during financial burdens or mundane errands. I mean, the Holy Spirit shows up at Walmart during human interaction just as well as Quip Trip and Kroger, but wouldn’t it be good for us to set aside a day for rich connections with family and friends? 

If we be still and know that God is with us and refrain from what is real toil and labor, we might be on the right track. I would love to learn how you create times of rest that are set apart. Must it be Saturday? Can it be Sunday, or any day?

  1. NATUREVOLVE Science & Earth For Our Planet (blog); “Forest medicine: Tree therapy heals us for free,” by Clarissa Wright, posted October 28th, 2021.

Seeking Sabbath

I’ve been restless all summer, sending signals to the “universe” in Mary Claire code: Please. Send. Sabbath. Good thing God created the Sabbath and commanded us to keep it holy. If I had been listening to Him, I would have already found the Sabbath along with many lowercase sabbaths.

I have two more weekends before I go back to work, teaching creative writing, theatre, and bible study. I am hopeful for a productive and meaningful year, but I can become so burdened with work that I forget to rest in His peace. My life has been through immense turmoil over the last two years. I can recall only a few times I truly rested. 

I’m traveling to see family this weekend. I know it will be fun and eventful, but I am making a verbal promise to find moments of rest and prayer. How do you sabbath? Can we make it a verb?